YCREATE Voices for respect, celebrating difference, and tackling hate (YCreate) is a Strategic Partnership between the United Kingdom,...
FORM Not only adults and families with children try to reach Europe to start a better life but also youngsters and even children arrive...
RISIV The Regenerate and Innovate: Social Impact Volunteering for Youth (RISIV) project is a transnational partnership between France,...
FA.B! Project
FA.B! Project FA.B! - FAmily Based care for children in migration is a transnational project aimed at supporting the improvement and...
Transnational Youth Forum 2022:Climate Change,Global Concerns and impact on the Rights of the Future
Transnational Youth Forum 2022: Climate Change, Global Concerns and impact on the Rights of the Future Generations Transnational Youth...
JudEx+: Towards a child-friendly justice in cases of sexual violence against children
JudEx+: Towards a child-friendly justice in cases of sexual violence against children Main Objectives All children, adolescents and youth...