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Enhancing children's participation through Digital Complaints and Reporting (Children Digi-CORE) is a project between Italy (University Degli Studi di Torino, Associazione Agevolando, Synesthesia SRL, Regione Piemonte) and Cyprus.

Powerful but neglected tools in promoting children's rights are direct complaints; and therefore, reporting, meaning communicative acts raising the attention of public authorities to any violation of rights is less accessible for the reporters or peers. To address the lack of reporting by children and to enhance their participation, the Children Digi-CORE project will design, test, and promote a mobile app, allowing children to report violations to local ombudspersons using an innovative and child-friendly digital tool.

The development of Standardized CORE interdisciplinary procedures for managing children's digital complaints will constitute the basis for the interdisciplinary training of professionals using tools to facilitate peer-learning and knowledge transfer with colleagues. Policy recommendations for national and international stakeholders will enable the uptake of the results at the EU level. Building on the extensive networks of partners and supporting authorities, the project results will be broadly disseminated, ensuring that the Digi-CORE methodology can be incorporated into the systems of different EU countries.

Funding reference: The project is co-financed by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Commission (Ref. 101008337)

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